Following the recent announcement that the Principality Stadium in Cardiff will be utilised as a temporary hospital in the fight against Covid 19, the security of the new hospital was reviewed, and a suitable temporary Hostile Vehicle Mitigation solution was required. The requirement was for a temporary surface mounted solution which would enable access to the large transport vehicles that would deliver the important BOC Oxygen vessels to the new hospital. The opening of the access point stretched over 9 metres and the requirement was for this to be all vehicle access points to allow enough turning room from the carriageway for the large HIAB delivery trucks.
Crowdguard installed the award winning ATG Surface Guard solution with their National Network of branches with owned transport and trained labour. Within hours a plan with CAD drawings were agreed and signed off. A couple of days later on Monday 20th April 2020 a team of specialist installation operatives arrived on site with pre built arrays and lifted the sections into place using their specialist equipment. There was a necessity for the access to be safely cordoned off to allow for safe lifting operations and for the installation to be completed quickly due to this being the main access and egress point for the sites traffic.
The array was strapped to the newly installed Pas rated bollards which were previously installed by ATG Access with a Specialist Energy Absorbing Strap. The end result ensured a safe access point to the hospital which would prevent a vehicle attack or delivery of IED to the hospital. The array looked aesthetically pleasing and in keeping with the environment which would not cause any alarm.
The full array consists of reinforced steel platforms and ramps which will carry the weight of heavy transport vehicles up to a fully loaded fire engine truck. Crowdguard trained the security professionals on site on how to lower the spikes when required for access to authorised vehicles to deliver essential equipment to the hospital. The spikes are easily lowered when authorised access is required and is manned by 24 hr security.
Crowdguard is the provider and installer of the award-winning ATG surface Guard, a British manufactured Hostile Vehicle Mitigation Barrier. ATG Surface Guard is an innovative, surface mounted, portable barrier system that protects crowds from vehicle attacks and protects buuldings and infrastructure from the delivery of an Improvised Explosive Device with no need for road fixings, allowing for secure installation on a multitude of terrains and ground conditions.
The Surface Guard system:
- Has been tested twice to the IWA 14 impact test standard.
- Successfully stopped a 2,500kg vehicle travelling at 48 kph
- Successfully stopped a 7,200kg vehicle travelling at 32 kph
- Offers maximum functionality and peak performance with no compromise on aesthetics
We are proud to support and protect NHS Nightingale in Cardiff at the Principality Stadium.
The client was extremely happy with the installation, the professionalism of the team and the product itself.
Crowdguard’s deployment network is vast, meaning that local equipment, labour and transport is ready for rapid deployment due to branches in Glasgow, Wigan, Manchester, Rotherham, Washington, Birmingham, London and Bath. Working with strategic partner Ainscough Industrial Services, Crowdguard’s systems are deployed and installed by specialist Installation Technicians and Installation Supervisors, Support is on hand at all times to ensure that deployments are maintained and safe ensuring that those on the ‘front line’ can feel protected whilst continuing to provide an essential service to the country in looking after us all in these unprecedented times.
Crowdguard would like to take this opportunity to thank all those key workers who are doing a fantastic job on the frontline. #Stay at home, #Protect the NHS, #Save Lives.